Biblioteca PGR

Analítico de Periódico

Viaggio a globalia : riflessioni sul diritto comparato in epoca di globalizzazioni / Roberto Scarciglia
Annuario di Diritto Comparato e di Studi Legislativi, v.8 (2017), p.537-557


The main idea of this essay is in a relationship with the concept of travel as a metaphor. It represents a good topic for comparativists. This trip in search of “global law” raises some questions about its meaning, existence, and structure. Although global phenomena transformed the traditional concept of space and time, and the speed of what happens at the transnational level produces compression of time and space, we are not in the presence of an orderly global happening. It is a local and complex process, which does not allow us to describe it regarding a unique global order. Changes that produce global effects are therefore not along a single orderly succession: the temporal structure of the world is more complex than a mere linear succession of instants. What are the consequences for law? The dystopian novel Globalia, written by Jean-Christophe Rufin, has been helpful in formulating some answers on the impact of global phenomena on law.