09/2024 | AP | The digital operational resilience act [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | The newly-adopted Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | Challenges to Fundamental Human Rights in the age of Artificial Intelligence Systems [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | The new regulation on the digitalisation of judicial cooperation in the European Union [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | Determining cybersecurity culture maturity and deriving verifiable improvement measures [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | Organizational perspectives on converged security operations [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | The interplay of social capital, faith, and offender resettlement [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | Youth mentors’ experiences working with young people to support desistance from criminal behaviour within the community [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | A review of the contributions of forensic archaeology and anthropology to the process of disaster victim identification [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | Advances in commingled human remains analysis between 2014 and 2023 [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | Investigative genetic genealogy for human remains identification [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | From intimate partners to serial killers [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | An evaluation of the cannabinoid content of the liquid and thermal degradation analysis of cannabis-labeled vape liquids [Recurso eletrónico] |
09/2024 | AP | Quantitative color analysis of burned bone to predict DNA quantity, quality, and genotyping success [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Estudo sobre estratégias para prevenção e combate ao crime de burla transfronteiriça em telecomunicações e cibernética |
08/2024 | AP | Banks’ internal governance obligations vis-a-vis money laundering risks emerging from the new technology-enabled means to transfer funds or value (“crypto assets”) [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The role of freight forwarding companies in detecting and investigating trade-based money laundering [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Recent developments in EU anti-corruption strategy [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Determinants of effective Shariah compliance auditing in Palestine [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Money laundering and terrorist financing risks and democratic governance [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The magnitude and consequences of money laundering [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Police responses to vulnerable populations [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | “Should I stay or should I go” [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Active shooter incidents [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Race, local context, and traffic stops [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Illegal rural enterprise [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Police relationships and engagement with rural citizens [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Shiftwork and pregnancy loss among police officers [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Law enforcement perceptions of job stress and barriers to supportive resources when working child sexual abuse cases in the southern United States [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The relationship between legitimacy and cooperation with the police [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | A review of research trends in the bullying of higher education employees, 2012–2022 [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Invited commentary on using music intervention and imagined interaction to deal with aggression and conflict [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | To stay silent or to blow the whistle? [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The lived experiences of women who discovered their partner perpetrated a sexual offence [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Does a conduct disorder factor increment the capacity of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short to predict criminal recidivism [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Juror decision-making within domestic sex trafficking cases [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The current role and contribution of ‘forensic clinical psychologists’ (FCPs) to criminal investigation in the United Kingdom [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Forensic mental health assessments of juvenile misdemeanor cases involving demoralization (status offenses) and delinquency [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The age of extremism [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The current role and contribution of “behavioural investigative advisers” (BIAs) to criminal investigation in the United Kingdom [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | A multi-method investigation of motive dispositions [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Understanding how the psychological and relational processes of a psychodynamic reflective group contribute to recovery on a medium secure ward [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Prison officers’ experiences of key-working with women living in a psychologically informed planned environment (PIPE) [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Análise do software Labway utilizado pela Polícia Judiciária Portuguesa sob a perspectiva da gestão da informação [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Comércio, sociedades e insolvências [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Self-harm and aggression in women who committed a criminal offence [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Portugal and the constitution for the oceans [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | It is successful, and if it is successful, it reduces crime, and it can make the victims happier [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Understanding weight management in adult secure mental health services [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Children and adolescents as perpetrators of stalking [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Group-based mindfulness interventions in prisons [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Animal abuse recidivism [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | MAOC annual report 2023 |
08/2024 | MO | Manual UNIMARC |
08/2024 | MO | Técnicas de identificação dentária na medicina dentária forense [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Audit compliance and forensics frameworks for improved critical infrastructure protection [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Antropologia forense no norte do Brasil [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Atas do 2.º evento de inovação e modernização tecnológica do Exército |
08/2024 | AP | As dificuldades na obtenção e valoração de prova digital no crime de pornografia de menores |
08/2024 | AP | Navegar as águas da História |
08/2024 | AP | Estudo "abordagem ao dever-ser de uma Unidade CT" |
08/2024 | AP | Applicability of forensic entomology |
08/2024 | AP | A propósito das acções violentas e massacres nas escolas |
08/2024 | MO | Nicho de intervenção, espaço de afirmação [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | A evolução historica da sciência do direito penal |
08/2024 | MO | Investigação criminal [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Instrumentos de pagamento e cibercrime [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Ameaça biológica [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | A criminalidade segundo a edade |
08/2024 | MO | Da prevenção, deteção e investigação criminal [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | A politica criminal |
08/2024 | MO | Financiamento do terrorismo [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Desaparecidos [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Bioterrorismo [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Primeira linhas de um curso de processo penal |
08/2024 | MO | Combate ao tráfico internacional de estupefacientes [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | A propósito dos 60 anos d’o conceito de direito de Hart [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | A Locatio-Conductio [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Branqueamento e fraude fiscal [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Exploring users’ attitude towards privacy-preserving search engines [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Crime organizado [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | European Artificial Intelligence Act [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Eficácia da investigação e tutela de direitos fundamentais [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Evaluating the impact of hot water killing larvae on gene expression using the transformer gene in Coachliomyia macellaria (Diptera Calliphoridate) [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Desafios da ciberconflitualidade [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Sequence variation of commercially available kratom products at universal DNA barcode regions [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | A aplicação da cláusula geral anti-abuso ao substituto tributário [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Estimativa de estatura usando a dentição na população portuguesa [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | A privatização da administração [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The false promise of firearms examination validation studies [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Inter–observer variation of head and foot point selection for subject height determination [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | A estrada que não foi seguida [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Empreitada de obras públicas |
08/2024 | MO | A investigação criminal no crime de homicídio [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Rare case of multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the chest in Poland [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | A Polícia Judiciária e o sistema de investigação criminal [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | What's in drugs freely used by brazilian truck drivers [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | MO | Atos de Polícia Judiciária na investigação criminal reservada [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | Assessment of artificial intelligence to detect gasoline in fire debris using HS-SPME-GC/MS and transfer learning [Recurso eletrónico] |
08/2024 | AP | The influence of rehydration on decomposition in the Highveld region of South Africa [Recurso eletrónico] |