PP1061 Analítico de Periódico | |
LANGLET, Franca „Die unsichtbare Hand kann es nicht allein.“ : Die Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts als Methode zur Untersuchung unternehmerischer Umweltstraftaten / Franca Langlet NK. Neue Kriminalpolitik, a.34 n.1 (2022), p.58-74 DIREITO PENAL, ECONOMIA, CRIMINALIDADE ECONÓMICA, CRIME CONTRA O AMBIENTE The Economic Analysis of Law represents an interdisciplinary approach between law and economics investigating legal regulations and their consequences. In criminal law, microeconomic models and methods allow for a rational and intersubjective process of understanding the function and the effects of criminal sanctions. This applies to for corporate environmental crimes, which are characterized - on a macro level - by substantial social costs and - on a micro level - by a utility-maximizing actor, suggesting the application of economic methods and models. |