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Analítico de Periódico

PING-SHAW, Kai, e outro
Murder by poisons : cases in Taiwan : 1999-2008 / Kai Ping-Shaw, Hsiao-Ting Chen
Forensic Science Review, Taiwan, Vol. 26, n. 2 (July 2014), p. 121-130
CD 296. Special issue devoted to the topic of murder by poisons.


Introduction. 1. Methods. A. case collection, profiling, and definition. B. Case identification. C. Forensic Toxicological Analysis and Collection. D. Statistical analysis. II. Results and discussion. A. Epidemiological study of illicit drug abuses and poisoning cases. B. Epidemiological analysis of illicit-drug and toxic-chemical-related
Homicides. C. Comparative toxicology of substance-related homicides and suicides. III. Case studies: profiling unique drug-or chemical-related homicides. A. Cases related to toxic chemicals . B. Cases related to controlled drugs. C. Cases related to pesticides. D. Emerging cases involving rare modes of homicidal poisoning. Conclusions. Acknowledgments. References. About the authors.