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POLÓNIA. Institute of Forensic Research
Problems of forensic sciences.- Cracow : Institute of Forensic Research Publishers, 2001.- 441 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (XLVII)
ISSN 1230-7483. Título na língua Polaca: "Z Zagadnień Nauk Sądowych". Volumes posteriores (desde 2002) disponíveis online em: http://www.ies.krakow.pl/wydawnictwo/zzns_new/html/a_index.htm. Resumos deste volume: http://www.ies.krakow.pl/wydawnictwo/zzns_new/abstracts/abstracts_xlvii.htm#3


Número especial sobre a Second European Academy of Forensic Science Meeting (Cracow, September 12-16, 2000): INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DIGITAL IMAGING: Enfsi Network Information Project (Eric FREYSSINET); Application of the computer searching system "Soil-Railway" in practice of the railway police (George OMELYANYUK, Aleksey ALEKSEEV); Establishment of the individual characteristics of magnetic recording systems for identification purposes (José A. García SÁNCHEZ-MOLERO). JURISPRUDENCE & MANAGEMENT: Investigating computer crimes in organisations: a question of collaboration between the investigator and the Information System Security Manager (Solange GHERNAOUTI-HÉLIE, Bertrand LATHOUD, Olivier RIBAUX); War or peace? forensic evidence vs. right to counsel and defence in polish law (Piotr GIRDWOYÑ); Some problems in the reform of expert institutions in lithuania (Janina JU(c)KEVIÈIâT(r), Egidijus KURAPKA, Hendrik MALEVSKI). MARKS: Forensic interpretation of knots and ties used to restrain hands and legs of the victim (Eliodor TANISLAV, Eliodor TANISLAV Jr.). PAINT & GLASS: Design of a glass casework database inheriting quality assurance aspects (Stefan BECKER, Wolfgang BECKER, Natalie FRITZ, Detlef HIRSCHFELDER, Klaus HOLZ, Thomas KRIEGHOF, Carolin SCHMID, Mathias WEISE); The differentiation of float glass using refractive index and elemental analysis: comparisons of techniques
(Stefan BECKER, Lawrence GUNARATNAM, Tacha HICKS, Wilfried STOECKLEIN, Geoff WARMAN); Low temperature pyrolysis of polymers (Joachim GEYER-LIPPMANN); SEMs and forensic science (Hans KRÜSEMANN); Cathodoluminescence in forensic science (Wilfried STOECKLEIN, Marilen FRANKE, Rainer GOEBEL); A classification of glass microtraces
(Grzegorz Zadora, Zuzanna Brozek-Mucha, Andrzej Parczewski); A differentiation of glass microtraces of the same qualitative composition (Grzegorz Zadora, Zuzanna Brozek-Mucha, Andrzej Parczewski); Selected cases of paint coating examination (Janina ZIÊBA-PALUS, Beata M.TRZCIÑSKA ). PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION: Some methods used in sweden to photograph shoeprints and fingerprints (Kjell CARLSSON); Identification of ear impressions in polish forensic practice (Jerzy KASPRZAK); Scent identification line-ups using trained dogs in the netherlands
(G. A. A. SCHOON); Desideria - a case report on identification by voice line-up (Michaël STENBERG); Identification of the art objects stolen from the peles castle (Eliodor TANISLAV, Elena TANISLAV); Forensic interviewing of child witnesses by law enforcement personnel (Neylan ZIYALAR, Sevil ATASOY). QUALITY ASSURANCE: Implementation of new methods (Lydia BESTEBREUR); Best practice manuals. a guide to format and content (Robert K. BRAMLEY); Toward common standards of competence for the european forensic scientist (Michael J. FEREDAY); Expressing a standard. the creation of the first united kingdom register of competent forensic practitioners (Alan KERSHAW); Quality assurance in subjective areas (Katri MATVEINEN, Fritz KÖHLER, Alex DUPONT). SPEECH & AUDIO: A practical approach to forensic earwitness identification: constructing a voice line-up (A. P. A. BROEDERS, A. G. van AMELSVOORT); IDENTIVOX®: A PC-WINDOWS™ tool for text-independent speaker recognition in forensic environments (Joaquín Gonzalez-RODRIGUEZ, Javier ORTEGA-GARCIA, J. J. LUCENA-MOLINA); Adding a parametric approach to forensic speaker recognition (Franck MARESCAL); Criminalistic person identification by voice system (Bernardas SALNA). TRACE ANALYSIS (NITE): Elemental comparison of packaging tapes using hr icp/ms (Andrew M. DOBNEY, Wim WIARDA, Peter de JOODE, Gerard J. Q. van der PEIJL). POSTERS: Computer-assisted analysis of striated toolmarks and impressions (Andrzej AUGUSTYN, Przemys aw KOWALSKI, Leszek LUCHOWSKI, Dariusz POJDA, Krzysztof SKABEK); Complex analysis of evidence for establishing circumstances of death - a case study (Zuzanna BROŻEK-MUCHA, Andrzej CHOCHÓŁ, Beata M. TRZCIŃSKA); The suitability of ceramic standard tiles in microspectrophotometer calibration: homogeneity of the tile surface (Bart DECRUYENAERE, Gilbert de ROY, Filip GOVAERT, Dominique ZIERNICKI); Additional variability at the d21s11 locus: sequencing evidence of a new allele D21S11*33.1 (Anita DETTLAFF-K¡KOL, Ryszard PAWLOWSKI); Supercritical fluid extraction of tetrahydrocannabinol from marihuana study of the effect of particle size (Lél EÖRY, Béla DÁNOS, Tibor VERESS); Supercritical fluid extraction of tetrahydrocannabinol from marihuana. determination of tetrahydrocannabinol and tetrahydrocannabinol acid (Lél EÖRY, Vera SZALAY, Tibor VERESS); Analysis of black spray paints by fourier transform infrared spectrometry, x-ray fluorescence and visible microscopy (Filip GOVAERT, Gilbert de ROY, Bart DECRUYENAERE, Dominique ZIERNICKI); Y chromosome related anomalies detected with y chromosome str systems (Grzegorz JEZIERSKI, Ryszard PAWŁOWSKI); Analysis of g-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and g-butyrolactone (GBL) in liquids performed at National Laboratoty of Forensic Science (SKL), Sweden (Per LUNDQUIST); Phytochemical and toxicological studies of some botswanan plants used in traditional medicine (B. H. MAGORA, Michael D. COLE); Forensic use of PHILIPS XL 30 ESEM (Vojin MASTRUKO); Heat generation of domestic night lights... a potential fire hazard (Niamh NIC DAÉID, Emma THAIN); How to compare disguised handwritings? (Patricia PÉRALI) ; Evaluation of parameters influencing GSR'S retention on shooter's hands (F. SCHÜTZ, M. S. BONFANTI, S. DESBOEUFS); Sequence of electro-photographic printing and ballpoint pen writing (Marion SEITZ, Michael REINHARD, Thomas ANDERMANN); Biomechanical aspects of striking actions (Jiľí STRAUS); HLA-DR typing of genomic DNA (Zofia SZCZERKOWSKA, Joanna WYSOCKA); Enhancement of muddy footwear impressions (Anton THEEUWEN, Sander VAN BARNEVELD, Jan DROK, Isaac KEEREWEER, Bert LESGER, Josita LIMBORGH, Martin NABER, Rob SCHROK, Theo VELDERS); Preliminary studies identifying and quantifying trace metal impurities in illicit ecstasy tablets using atomic spectrometry techniques (Ruth J. H. WADDELL, David LITTLEJOHN, Niamh NIC DAÉID); Application of micro-fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to examination of easel paintings (Janina ZIÊBA-PALUS, Maria LIGÊZA).