Centro de Documentação da PJ
Analítico de Periódico

CD 341
MOK, Benjamin, e outro
Digital shadows [Recurso eletrónico] : key trends in online extremist narratives and activities in 2023 / Benjamin Mok, Saddiq Basha
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses, Singapura, Vol. 16, n.1 (January 2024), p. 94-105
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In 2023, online extremism persisted with extremist Islamist and far right extremist (FRE) actors adapting and refining their digital strategies, amidst relaxed moderation across online spaces and mainstream social media platforms. Jihadist groups, particularly the Islamic State (IS) and its affiliates, are leveraging a sophisticated and decentralised approach in propagating extremist narratives, combining official and unofficial sources to bypass moderation efforts. Ostensibly, this shift towards interactive and borderline content obscures the line between serious extremist narratives and innocuous postings. Meanwhile, the rise in FRE narratives globally underscores diversification of ideological divides, with an emphasis on reinforcing existing biases and advocating for violence, indicative of a potential escalation in real-world conflicts and ideological confrontations. These narratives, fuelled by political turmoil and societal discord, portray a trend of intensified and diversified extremist ideologies, reflecting a broad spectrum of threats.