Biblioteca PGR

Analítico de Periódico

BAGNI, Silvia
Comparative law and.. love : contro la globalizzazione del diritto, per la globalizzazione del giurista / Silvia Bagni
Annuario di Diritto Comparato e di Studi Legislativi, v.8 (2017), p.47-66


The term “globalization” in the legal sphere may apply to different dimensions, depending on its complement of specification. The article adopts a methodological perspective, critically analyzing what implications are implied by globalization on comparative method. It is argued that the products normally associated with legal globalization (transnational law, soft law, new lex mercatoria) are in contrast to the prerequisites of the comparative science, namely legal pluralism, the value of diversity, the essence of the context in interpretation and law enforcement. This requires comparatists to take the responsibility of studying law in a revolutionary and subversive way, ie. by applying the method with compassion, spirit of fraternity and love for every human being. This is the only truly global approach since it is based on what is intrinsically common to mankind, which allows to build a harmonious coexistence even in the case of distinct legal traditions.