Biblioteca PGR

Analítico de Periódico

DI MICCO, Domenico
La globalizzazione abusata : quando un concetto impreciso s'impone nel discorso giuridico e nello strumentario del comparatista / Domenico di Micco
Annuario di Diritto Comparato e di Studi Legislativi, v.8 (2017), p.241-264


Globalization has become a key term in the legal literature all over the world. Its widespread use attests the success of the formula behind the name. Nevertheless, despite its pervasive use, the idea for which this term stands for is still blurred, uncertain, and sometimes even contradictory; there is no shared definition of what globalisation is, and the ontology of the phenomenon is still confused. In this evident contrast – between the success and opacity of the formula – lie the roots of a real linguistic abuse: an uncritical and jaunty use of the term globalization that pretends to turn an elusive and inaccurate concept into an analytical criterion, in the light of which we should read contemporary law.