Biblioteca PGR

Analítico de Monografia

LOURENÇO, Paula Meira
The Portuguese system of control over the profession of enforcement agent, in compliance with criteria defined by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice / Paula Meira Lourenço
Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor José Lebre de Freitas / [comissão organizadora] Armando Marques Guedes.. [et al.] . - [Coimbra] : Coimbra Editora, [2013]. - 1.v., p. 1119-1137 ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-972-32-2119-0.


I: THE INTRODUCTION OF THE PROFESSION OF ENFORCEMENT AGENTS IN THE PORTUGUESE SYSTEM. 1- Two legal reforms (2003 and 2009). 2- The electronic enforcement procedures since 2009. 3- The enforcement agents: main legal competences, powers and dutis. II: ANALYSIS: THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CEPEJ AND THE CONTROL BY THE CPEE. 4- The CPEE: composition and legal competences. 5- Quality control of enforcement proceedings. 6- To issue annual recommendations on efficiency and enforcement agents formation. 7- Ensure higher education standards to access the profession. 8- Increase the ethical level: incompatibilities, impediments and suspicions. 9- Disciplinary procedures. 10- Disciplinary sanctins. 11- Supervision of the activities. III: BEST PRACTICES. 12- The new Legal System Manual (Ministry of Justrice and CPEE). 13- The Disciplinary Procedures Manual (CPEE). 14- The Supervision Procedures Manuel (CPEE). 15- Common ground of the manuals. 16- The certification of enforcement agents public service by the CPEE. IV: GOALS TO BE ARCHIVED BY THE CPEE.