Biblioteca PGR

Analítico de Periódico

CARUSO, Giovanni Maria
La collaborazione contrattuale fra pubbliche amministrazioni : unità e frammentazione della sfera pubblica fra logica del mercato e obiettivi di contenimento della spesa / Giovanni Maria Caruso
Rivista Italiana di Diritto Pubblico Comunitario, Milano, a.25 n.3-4 (2015), p.775-818


New Directives concerning public procurement made clear what is the new legal framework relevant to contracts between Public Administrations, creating specific models of public-public cooperation. The new legal framework protects market interests effectively but, at the same time, it is able to introduce some negative effects regarding public expenditure control. This article provides a comparison between the new legal framework, the European rules of integrated economic accounts and those theories of legal personality that consider, economically speaking, Member States as a whole. Thus, it will become possible to discern the circumstances whereby contracts between Public Administrations arise from organisational autonomy of Member States and from market issues.