Biblioteca ISCPSI

Analítico de Periódico

LEBEUF, Marcel-Eugène
Le renseignement criminel à l'ère de l' internet : pourquoi les enquêteurs ne le partagent-ils pas davantage? / Marcel-Eugène Lebeuf
Les Cahiers de la sécurité intérieure, Paris, nº 47, (Primier Trimestre, 2002), p. 209-229


The dissemination of information in society, private firms and administrations is rapid. This articale is devoted to the influence on judicial inquiry of a social context transformed by the advent of information technology, notably the impact of new technologies on the sharing of police intelligence is at present conducted in an uncoordinated fashion as a result of working methods learnt and acquired during one's career and also governed by access to technological tools and the development of specific skills in order to use them appropriately. In fact, while the police's idea of "quality" information puts a brake on the supply of data, collaboration, on the other hand, can work in its favour