Biblioteca ISCPSI

Analítico de Periódico

MASSE, Jean- Pierre
Genèse et institutionnalisation du dispositif d´accueil des réfugiés politiques en France / Jean-Pierre Masse
Les Cahiers de la sécurité intérieure, Paris, nº 45, (Troisième Trimestre, 2001), p. 45-68
Título deste nº: Le temps des minorités? visibilité sociale, visibilité institutionnelle


This article analyses the institutional procedure for accepting political refugees in France. This procedure can only be Understood through an examination of the quota policy applied to refugees from south-east Asia during the 1970s in keeping with a specfic international context. Changes in the make-up of asylum seekers during the 1980s led to setting-up of a new entry procedure, taking into account the distinction between refugees and asylum seekers, thus marking the end of previous policy.